
Do you have an idea what web analytics is? The web analytics is defined as “the objective tracking, collection, measurement, reporting and analysis of quantitative Internet data to optimize websites and marketing initiatives” by The Web Analytics Association.

Those days when you didn’t know whether your advertising worked or not, just because there was no method to measure it, are in the past. Web analytics can help you see your visitors, traffic patterns, marketing campaigns, conversion dynamics and more. Your return on investment (ROI) can be easily maximized with this tool.

What do we do?

Regarding to traffic, conversions and costs your web site will be evaluated and analyzed. Campaign effectiveness, path analysis, customer segmentation, demographics, sector usage and referrer activity may be included in the analysis.

According to the starting point analysis we can offer different improvements to your site concerning sales and usage increase, or conversion improve. All changes for the site are observed and reported.

What do you get?

The Services of iFunnel Marketing Web Analytic Analysis and Reporting Service can be used to make a comprehensive analysis of your site or perform an ongoing business performance service. Detailed recommendations to high performance of the site are included in the comprehensive analysis. Recent performance along with specific recommendations for future changes are included in the ongoing business performance reports.